Sunday, January 31, 2010

Way Back When

My younger sister, Marissa, posted this picture of my husband and I at my older sister, Ellie's wedding, two and a half years ago. In August 2007 (when this was taken,) Andy and I had been married for three months. We were - and still are - in that Honeymoon Phase.

Gosh, I hope that never ends.

I love you, Andy.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

So Much Love

Time really goes go by so fast. It seems like just last week that we brought the boys home and struggled with knowing how much food they were getting, how much sleep WE were getting and if we were doing anything right.

Now they're almost nine months old. They're crawling. Pushing themselves up to a sitting position from their bellies. Trying to pull themselves to stand. Eating with their fingers. It's unbelievable.

Jack and Ben playing in Jack's crib after their afternoon nap

I never knew just how much MORE I could love someone since the boys were born. Looking at their eyes, wide smile and dimples, I feel an overwhelming sense of joy. Pride. Love.

They are our blessing.

God has entrusted these two lives to me and Andy... and we will be forever grateful.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

We Have TWO Crawlers!

Yup, that's right. Jack had a 2-week lead, but now Ben is right behind him... literally!

Ben and Jack slide across our hardwood floor

Ben sips his (empty) sippy cup. I'm thinking I'll have to put some liquid in there so they don't think it's just a teething toy!



Jack on all fours

Jonathan LOVES looking out the window. I probably take a gazillion pictures of him looking outside every day. His face is priceless!

You may be older than me," Ben said, "but it's only by ONE MINUTE!" Hmm. He does have a point there.
Jack points out where Ben's eyes are, but Ben is not so easily amused. "

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Wonder of it All

My boys love windows. And light. Especially the light that comes through our front window. Now they are able to stand up to see it, on the couch where I have fed them for the past eight months. This has become their new favorite activity!

Ben and Jack

Benjamin, 8 months old

They watch the cars go by, watch our neighbor shovel his driveway and the people walking their dogs. I never realized just how entertaining it really is... to an 8-month-old, of course.



(You can't tell from the photo, but Jack is casually tapping his right hand against the window sill, just as you would do if you were waiting for someone. Oh, so cute!)