Sunday, March 8, 2009

Feeling the Heat

14 weeks pregnant on November 16th vs. 30 weeks pregnant on March 8th

Well, I guess time does make a difference!

Everything continues to go extremely well over here, though I am realizing why many women go on bed-rest during the last stretch of the pregnancy. Even walking can present an issue lately! The boys kick a lot - a LOT - and I'm beginning to wonder if they are going to be the all-star athletes the doctors have been teasing us about. I don't ever get the sense that they're focusing their frustration on eachother, though, but their surroundings. It's just getting so crowded in there!

Their kicks are strong and I'm feeling more of their pushes as they stretch their little legs as far as they can go. Oftentimes, those stretches land them under my ribs and I have to grasp for air, attemping to push their limbs down. It's still amazing for me to realize that two lives are steadily growing inside of my body. And I try to remind myself: every little thing that makes me uncomfortable is another sign of a healthy baby... or two!

The boys are definitely feeling the heat in their little oven. But like all good Sauer Doughs, they need a little heat to let them rise... although I'm beginning to wish I had a bigger oven.


  1. are SO close! i cannot believe you are already past the 30 week point :)...any word on ellie??
