Thursday, May 28, 2009

First Haitcut

I know it may seem silly to be thinking about a haircut when your babies are only three weeks old... but have you SEEN their hair? They looked like unruly rockstars! So Grandma Albrecht gave them a little trim in the back and around the ears. What a difference! And don't worry: we still saved some locks of hair for their baby books.

Ben and Jack. sportin' their new looks with Grandma Albrecht


  1. Addi got her first haircut at 10 days!n Whooo hooo for long haired babies!:)

  2. awwww, so cute that you documented this! First of many haircuts from Grandma, I'm sure!

  3. You are a strong woman! I couldn't cut my boys' hair until they were just under a year! It made them seem that much older.

    Has any of their hair started falling out yet?

    I love reading your updates, the babies are so precious!

  4. Soo cute! Party like the little rock stars they are!
