Sunday, May 3, 2009

Getting Anxious

We've had the suitcase packed, the carseats buckled, and the nursery stocked. And still, the Sauer Twins are enjoying themselves too much in-utero to make their appearance!

Mommy's gettin' real uncomfortable, especialy my joints. Everything is so sore, all of the time. I told Andy that my bones feel like rubber and my ligaments are barely holding on. And then to put it in terms he might understand, I said, "You know how when meat is cooked so well it just falls right off the bone? Well, that's exactly how my body feels." He seemed to get that. :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, way to communicate in a man's terms, lol! =) Congratulations on the birth of Jonathan & Benjamin!!!! They've emerged from the slow-cooker. "Stick a fork in me, Jerry, I'm done!"

    Hope you and the boys are doing well. Praying for you!
