Sunday, February 15, 2009

Joys of a Twin Pregnancy

We are currently at 26 weeks and 5 days, just about a week from the third trimester. And praise God, everything continues to go extremely well! However, as my belly grows, there are a few things that I have a very difficult time doing, now that my midsection is measuring as if I were a 36-week pregnant woman.

Here are some of the chart-toppers. It has become difficult for me to:
  • Bend down. I am currently in the process of training my feet to be more useful to me. My hands can only do so much three feet from the ground.
  • Sleep on my tummy. Perhaps this is obvious, but ever since I was 12 weeks pregnant, sleeping in this - my favorite - position has become obsolete. I constantly flip from my left to my right side through the night, waking up every time to adjust the pillows.
  • Get in and out of the car. I've never gotten so excited about drive-thrus. Having a 1993 Chevy Lumina so close to the ground is probably not extremely helpful at this point, but it's better than nothing! I'm actually looking forward to that minivan we're looking to get this summer.
  • Reach for things in the cupboard. Although I'm tall and usually have no problems with this, my belly gets in the way of me experiencing my full reach-ability. I feel bad having to ask my husband to do these menial tasks for me, including putting the clothes from the washer into the dryer, although he insists he doesn't mind.
  • Run. I've never been athletic, but with my long stride, I've always been able to hustle. Now... not so much. Every step seems to bounce Baby A on my bladder. Plus, it's uncomfortable on my ligaments. Andy, however, has kindly adjusted his pace and always picks me up and drops me off at the door!
  • Watch adventure shows/movies. This is very unusual to me, but it's true. I just can't take the suspense. My heart goes crazy when I see a show where someone is in trouble (especially a child,) a race, or a mystery with lots of twists and turns. I have become a certified wimp.
  • Sit, stand, or lay in any position for too long. My boys don't like to be crowded. They give me subtle (and not-so-subtle) hints when they need me to change my position to increase their comfort.
I shouldn't lead you to believe it's all bad, though. There are some perks to this pregnancy: I get to stay home, sleep whenever I need it, eat almost anything I crave, experience dozens of doctor's offices and people, and add my name to the millions of women who have done the same thing, survived, and have lived to tell about it. Those same women try to encourage me by saying, "Girl, you haven't seen nothin' yet. Just wait 'til they're born!"

Gee, thanks for the encouragement. I have much to look forward to...


  1. The new blog look looks great! I love reading your updates. Pregnancy is a world unto itself and it's entirely incredible! So glad to hear you are doing well. And I have to echo--you ain't seen nothin' yet! But like pregnancy, you'll do great at Motherhood!!

  2. p.s. You DO have so much to look forward to! You're gonna love it!

  3. Min - Your hard to do things made me laugh...I TOTALLY remember all of that stuff. What is amazing to me is how it is like a switch once them come out and you can do all of those things again :) Wish I was there to see you grow but I guess this blog will have to do :)
