Monday, March 5, 2012

Week 35 and 5 days

Baby Girl is more than 35 weeks along now. Less than a month to go! As slow as it has felt at times, this pregnancy has gone extremely fast. It must get faster and faster, the more kids you have!

At this point, we have everything we need...piled in the nursery. I have yet to put everything in its place or pack my hospital bag. But rest assured, I've got a TON of lists with the plan written out as soon as the motivation and energy hits me!

The boys are doing extremely well with potty training (Ben still seems to wake up with wet underwear about once a week.) But for being five weeks into training, I am extreeeeeeeemly proud of their progress! They are very excited about their baby sister and I look forward to when they will all meet!

Less. Than. One. Month. YIKES!

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